The Famous and Notorious

One of the greatest Bizarre entertainers of the century... Mr. Eugene Burger is truly a Wizard amongst men.

My fave TV Host Derik Fage of Daytime Ottawa.

The King of the B-Movie!

My mentor in magic and a real inspiration to so many in the community, Micky Hades.

The lead singer of the Philosopher Kings and one hell of an entertainer... Jarvis Church!

One of the greatest minds in Mentalism and Bizarre Magic... Max Maven!

Adrienne Barbeau came to see Carnival Diablo and hung out afterwards with the cast.

This was a Polaroid taken during some down time on the set of the movie Blood Moon. Tim was great to hang out with for the 3 weeks I was in Romania.

My favorite comedy magician The Great Thomsoni and his wonderful wife Pam!

This pic was taken during my first year of doing Carnival Diablo. I went to visit Captain Don at his Sideshow that was set up at the Stampede that year. His whole crew came to see Carnival Diablo.

I played Mr. Adams and Brett Hart was one rough and tumble cowboy!

Carnival Diablo decided to crash Floria's birthday party and perform a Special half hour of Horror... just for her. Floria is one of the most talented film directors in North America.

Brett came to visit during my travels through Calgary during our stint at the Stampede.

Barbra Hall came to experienced my first traveling Freakshow at the Sunnyside Pavilion in the summer of 1997.

I had my Freakshow and Mermaid Attraction on tour across Canada... and Ewan made a pit stop just to see my Living Mermaid!

An artist that has inspired many... the Great Joe Coleman!